What is Globalisation? Discuss its impact on one aspect of society.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Globalisation is often seen, quite incorrectly, as a relatively modern notion. However, its influence can be traced back centuries and modern sociologists have long known of the importance of global influence on human experience. Using the industrial revolution of Britain and the West as an example, none of this industrial change would have been possible had it not been for the interconnection of world society. Much of the raw materials used to start the revolution …

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…rate of the progress has also increasingly hampered the opportunities of many. The impact of globalisation has had varying effects on employment across the world. Many have found themselves out of work and desperate, whereas others have been given a newfound freedom and hope for the future. There is no way of estimating what the long-term effects of such change will bring; however it is clear that the main beneficiaries of this are the TNCs.