What is Critical Thinking?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Critical thinking is "the art of thinking about your thinking while you are thinking in order to make your thinking better.More clear, more accurate, or more defensible. Critical thinking includes a complex combination of skills. But thinking is not driven by answers but by questions. Had no questions been asked by those who laid the foundation for a field-for example, Physics or Biology-the field would never have been developed in the first place. Furthermore, …

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…true or false. In sum,Critical thinkers are by natureskeptical. They approach texts with the same skepticism and suspicion as they approach spoken remarks. Critical thinkers areactive, not passive. They ask questions and analyze. They consciously apply tactics and strategies to uncover meaning or assure their understanding. Critical thinkers do not take an egotistical view of the world. They areopento new ideas and perspectives. They are willing to challenge their beliefs and investigate competing evidence.