What is Buddhism and Nirvana?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Perhaps I shall first begin by talking about my personal experiences with Buddhism. My family, originally from Laos, are all Buddhist. In fact, my mother and father are devout Buddhists and attend temple on a regular basis. My sisters and brother and I were all raised Buddhist, but we did not really learn the meaning behind the practices. For example, we adhered to many Buddhist traditions, such as praying in front of a shrine, bowing …

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…state, but the cessation of every illusion of conceptual form of personality. Nirvana is the enlightenment of the soul and is a state of total peace and happiness. Although the paths leading up to this stage can be quite eclectic and diverse, one's definition of nirvana, whether he be an American CEO or a rice field worker in Myanmar, is one and the same, that is, to be happy and at total peace with oneself.