What is Art?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
What is Art? Art is any expression through any medium. It has to have meaning to both the artist and the viewer. Art is an expression of a person's thoughts and feelings. Art has to have meaning to both the artist and the viewer. Art is feeling. The artist needs inspiration through stimulation of visual, sonic, and mental senses. The artist has to have an idea and a reason for the art they create. Art …

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…photographs showing blatant homosexuality and sexual fetish's were considered pornography to many, but others thought they were brilliant displays to shake up and rattle mainstream society. Art's most important aspects are controversy, relevant meaning to the artist and the viewer, change, and abstractness. An persons thoughts are often abstract so it is only natural for their expression of art to be obscure and abstract. Art is an outlet for humankind's most complex ideas and emotions.