What influenced european migration to america?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
16th and 17th century America Ever since the 16th century, America has undergone on a massive scale, a sustained process of fusion of the cultural values of peoples of different ethnic origins and of groups. America has been the land of hope and promise ever since its discovery. These promises of hope and a better brighter future have always attracted immigrants from all parts of the world to America. The early 1600s saw the beginning …

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…skirmishes and wars, which almost invariably resulted in an Indian defeat and further loss of land. The development of the Anglo American colonies is very important in the shaping of the American character and culture. The colonies where intended to be shaped after their original homeland, government, values, beliefs and institutions, however the demands of the American environment resulted in a mixed offspring. The American society evolved from the entwined European, Indian, and African cultures