What impact did Joseph McCarthy have on domestic politics in the USA?

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The US dealt effectively with the USSR until 1949, especially over the Berlin crisis and setting up NATO to join the West power against Communism. 1950s were a period when many Americans believed they were losing the Cold War. Politically, the Americans saw Communism spreading through the world. October 1949 China fell to communism, which was a big loss. With the domino effect, Communist North Korea invaded South in 1950. Although South Korea was defended from being taken …

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…destroyed McCarthy with his rational approach. McCarthy had been revealed as a liar and a crook from then. Anti-communist view remained in the US society but McCarthyism wasn't there for more. <Tab/>For conclusion, McCarthyism was the symbol of Americans' thoughts. It showed how much they worried about the spread of communism and willing to fight against it even though he talked tough but in reality he engaged in empty rhetoric.