What, if anything is new about globalization?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Globalisation, according to Albrow (1990), refers "to all those processes by which the people of the world are incorporated into a single society, a global society." The underlying processes of globalisation have been evident for some time, although they haven't made much impact on the world's economy until recently. Apart from the international trade in goods and services, which was relatively small, national economies have mainly stayed local. Now, however, it is a different story. In …

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…meant to. To conclude, globalization is not new, neither are most aspects of it. The main cause for globalization is technological advances, which have taken place over a number of years. The process is one of gradual transition, although the pace has increased dramatically because the process has been and still is, fuelling itself. I would class something 'new' as having been recently introduced, and globalisation and aspects of it, in my view, aren't new.