What features of 'The Willow Tree and Olive' make it a suitable text? This essay is for Australian students in Yr 10

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What features of 'Willow Tree and Olive' make it worthy to study? <Tab/>'Willow Tree and Olive' is a post- modernist novel by Irini Savvedes. The story presents a period of a young girl's life during which we see her discover and accept things about herself by remembering things from her past that she has tried to forget. <Tab/>Olive is a teenage girl in her last …

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…better. <Tab/>'Willow Tree and Olive' is a significant novel because it explores issues of identity and cultural heritage and will appeal to many readers, especially young women. The themes the story investigates are: cultural heritage, social class and its barriers, friendship, relationships, identity, gender, self-discovery, childhood, survival, strength and reincarnation. Its unusual style and intense topics make it highly valuable for a student to study. <Tab/>