What factors drew people away from the British Isles and towards the New World? Did the attractions of the New World live up to their promise?

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Essay Database > History > European History
It can be shown that large numbers of people decided to venture from the British Isles in the 1600s to colonise the new settlements in Virginia, in most cases believing that they would be bettering their position in life. They used their skills to work a new land where they would eventually (if an indentured servant) be able to own their own piece of land, an amount of typically fifty acres, and if a stockholder …

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…early Americans in 17th-Century America essays in colonial history, (Williamsburg: University of north Carolina press, 1959) Henretta, Brody, Ware, Johnson, America's history 4th Ed, (Boston & New York: Bedford/St Martins, 2000) Jones, Maldwyn Allen, American immigration, (Chicago & London: University of Chicago press, 1960) Middleton, Richard, Colonial America: a history, 1565-1776 3rd Ed, (Oxford: Blackwell publishing, 2002) Tindall & Shi, America: a narrative history 5th Ed, (London & New York: Norton & Co, 2000)