What does the Jaguar represent in Ted Hughes's poem "TheJaguar"?

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Essay Database > Literature
Ted Hughes is one of the most famous names in the contemporary world of poetry. He is called the animal poet, because many of his poems describe animals and represent human beings by using animal imagery. Animal kingdom is his private mythology. He has an extraordinary way of looking into life. He exposes human follies, anger, and hatred through the animal kingdom. His themes are explored by means of image, myth and symbol. The Jaguar …

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…in his imagination he strides along the path of the world. He may be caged objectively but subjectively he is unshackled and free. His power to transcend the hostile situation as well as the chalk circle drawn around him by restriction could never be circumscribed. In Ted Hughes poem The Jaguar, the Jaguar stands for all the visionaries of the world who have kept alive the desire for freedom in every other man for ages.