What does Torvald's fascination with beauty and appearance imply about his personality? Do his attitudes change at all over the course of the play?

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Torvald fascinates beauty and appearances to bring his own character up or to give himself a higher status. Furthermore, his attitudes do not change throughout the story line. Torvald is a follower of the society and he just can't understand the other side of life. Doing into more depth Torvald just can't understand what Nora means by 'something glorious'. Torvald is a person, who only understands one side of life, and he never changes his …

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…person which judges people by appearances, and fascinates beauty and appearances to only bring his own character up, and to give himself a higher status. The fact that Torvald is a follower of the society, courses or gives the finial touch, which makes Nora leave. Even by the end of the play, when Torvald realizes that he is dependent on Nora he still doesn't understand what 'something glorious' is. His understanding of prejudges never changes.