What do you think to be the significance of the Albatross in "The Ancient Mariner"?

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
The significance of the Albatross in "The Ancient Mariner" has been left open to examination by the reader. The symbolism of the Albatross in Coleridge's poem is rather debatable. By looking at different interpretations, I will investigate whether Coleridge's Albatross is significant or not. The ancient mariner represents Coleridge himself and the albatross represents the fight with himself to overcome his personal guilt. The mariner's sufferings are an expression of Coleridge's strong addiction with opium, …

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…journey back (Holmes), and this is what the Albatross, to me, signifies. However we look at it, we can not deny the significance of the Albatross, whether it be just one of God's creation or something more supernatural, Coleridge certainly left it open for the reader to decide. It is also here which I should note that the occurrence of the albatross symbolises different ideas and beliefs throughout the poem, and therefore being of significance.