What do you think it means to be Czech?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
What do you think it means to be Czech? Consider aspects of life in this country that might seem interesting to a foreign visitor to this country. It is very diffucult to consider the aspects of life of Czech nation as such. This piece of work will never be generalised to all the Czechs, as far as we are influenced by our friends and people we get in contact with. However, the personality of typical …

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…of humour, bright with general knowledge, patient (especially when waiting in long queues in offices with properly filled forms), hospitable and hard-working specialists. Every nation has its own good and dark sides, Czech nation is not an exception. In a whole country there are various types of people with different characters and views. There are without doubt also individualities. Overall, Czechs are proud to be Czech as well as British are proud to be British.