What do you expect to gain from studying in Singapore and what do you think is the most challenging while learning here?

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Studying overseas nowadays is extremely popular in Vietnam. But among so many studying abroad routes, which one will lead to success? In recent years, studying in Singapore is considered the best choice for outstanding students at pre-universities, universities and graduate degrees. As Singapore is a country lacking natural resources, its gaining to a developed country relies on the main source: intellectualization. That is the reason why the Singapore government sees to the education conditions, environment …

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…loneliness, difficulties and troubles while learning in a strange country to anyone. The most challenging thing when studying overseas anywhere is just the same: independent living and working. However difficult this challenge is, a chance to study in Singapore is never to be wasted. If I get a scholarship to learn in this seaport-country, I will not let the opportunity to take part in the best educating environment in the area slip through my fingers.