What did Jacob A. Riis' photographs said about the East Side Slums and the life of immigrants?

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Essay Database > History
The industrial revolution in the late 19th century brought an overwhelming number of immigrants to live and work in the United States. The boom in industry caused a demand for large supplies of workers to operate the many expanding businesses. The most substantial wave of immigration to the United States occurred between 1880 and 1915, totaling about 5.2 million newcomers from many European and Asian countries.# Immigrants came to the U.S. for a number of reasons, but …

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…own countries, brought immigrants from all over the world to live and work in the United States. Americans rejected the immigrants and searched for ways to prevent their entrance into the country. Once in the U.S., many immigrants worked in factories, plantations, and sweatshops for wages much lower than the average American. In turn, this caused immigrants to live in far less than adequate housing and tenement buildings that were overcrowded, impoverished, and disease-ridden.