What can explain Hitler's Inexplicable rise to the Chancellery?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Nazis performed a miracle during 1928~1933; they went from the edge of bankruptcy to the biggest party in the Reichstag, their leader Adolf Hitler went from a criminal to the chancellor of Germany, but how did they achieve this within 4 years? One of the most significant factors for Hitler to be appointed as chancellor was the significant power of the Nazi party in the Reichstag during the early 1930s. The Nazis only had 12 seats in …

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…me with them, under an hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his beliefs. His words were like a whip. When he spoke of the disgrace of Germany, I felt ready to attack any enemy..." (From www.johndclare.net), this quote clearly reveals how Hitler convinces the people by excavating their anger deep inside their heart, he had the ability to use the rage of the Germans towards the world for his rise to power.