What aspects of change are discussed in the texts you have studied this year?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Change is inevitable, indiscriminative and continual, it can be physical, emotional and psychological. Change is often unsettling, challenging and unpredictable. It involves taking chances. Change is seen differently in the eyes of varying people, perspectives change as we interpret things differently. The end result of change is not always what we want it to be as the consequences can be both positive and negative. Opportunities to choose change come in various forms, depth and at …

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…do. The result can be both positive and negative. We have no choice on the changing of the seasons or the weather. We accept these changes to which we have no control over but tend to object to some of life's changes. Whether we rebuke change and its influence has made a difference to us as a person. Life can be seen as a series of options which each decision changing us a bit more.