What are the reasons fo US involvement in south vietnam?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
History: Vietnam War 1 1. Study source A. What can you learn from Source A about the reasons for US involvement in South Vietnam? Source A is an extract from a book written by Senator John F Kennedy in 1956 (four years before his presidential election). The source outlines the American domino theory, a label given to the American foreign policy in South East Asia, in which it was believed that because of the countries geographical closeness the …

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…from the source that John f Kennedy's attitude towards communism is also a driving force behind the American decision to become involved in Vietnam as it is a shared view from the public, democratic and republicans. However the source is unable to tell us about the other sociological reasons for US involvement. Although these can be assumed they are not established. The source only gives one point of view for the US involvement in Vietnam.