What are economic sanctions and which factors might influence their effectiveness? by Muad MZ Word Count: 1447

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Economic sanctions have been practised by one state against another or an international body representing a number of states against an individual rogue state. It is an economic penalty that is given against a state for various reasons. It is again another factor of globalisation where economic sanctions can have a very huge effect on a country, its government and sometimes if not carefully thought through before applying, to its people. It has been a …

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…is vital to its success and the international media as stated before, gives the world the knowledge behind why sanctions should or should not be enforced. Ofcourse having said this, we have also seen the political reasons behind economic sanctions currently being taken by one country on another. If only they put the interest of humanity before competing against each other in the world market and try to support peace and equality around the world.