What about thouse peanut butter and jelly's, all about the best peanut butter and jelly that you can make.

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What About Those Peanut Butter & Jelly's <Tab/>Do you ever get a craving for something, and can't think about any thing else until you get what you want? Well I do. Sometimes for fried chicken, sometimes for Chinese food and sometimes even chocolate. None of these have been a problem for me yet, but ever since I arrived at ERAU I have had the biggest craving for a peanut …

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…the jelly. So you take a piece of the freshly toasted buttery Texas Toast and put a thin layer of extra crunchy Jiffy peanut butter on it. Now take the other piece and put a bunch of grandma's homemade strawberry preserves on it and put the two pieces of toast together. Now you know how to make the greatest peanut butter and jelly ever, and I have just made myself want one more than ever.