What a person goes through and feels when they have Bipolar disorder

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar depression, manic depression, and manic-depressive illness, is a form of a depressive illness in which mania and depression alternate. It is a disorder that affects over 2 million (1.2 percent) Americans and usually begins during adolescence. It is often not recognized as a serious disorder, but in many cases it causes difficulty in occupational, educational, social life, and other important functioning. A person who has bipolar disorder swings between two extreme …

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…with reality or cause as much disruption in your life. When a doctor is determining if someone has bipolar depression, they look for very specific patterns of symptoms of mania and depression, for doctors do not fully understand the cause. However, doctors do know family history and genetics play a role in likelihood, but it is not a purely biochemical or mental disorder and it can be treated by a combination of medication and psychotherapy.