What Price Freedom?

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Essay Database > History
Freedom is defined as ?Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.? In such a statement, it can nearly be assumed that this privilege would be granted to every man and woman walking the earth. However, such a fantasy could never be achieved without struggle, restrain, desire, dreaming, and bloodshed. Soldiers have gone down in war, men and women have fallen to the persecution of abominable tyrants, and our forefathers struggled against formalities to …

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…taken by minorities. Our ancestors faced oppressions and hardships on several occasions, and those same calamities will be dealt to us at one time in our lives. The price we pay may be a paltry sum or an overwhelming debt. Whether we die for our nation, suffer for our claims, or fall victim to the ridicule of millions for our decisions as a people, we all have a certain price to pay for our freedom.