What Makes a War Story True? - "The Things They Carried" by Tim O' Brien

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Stories that never happened may contain more truth than real events. In "The Things They Carried", Tim O' Brien introduces stories about constant stream of memories, discontinuous events, observations, insights, and an attempt to realism. These stories take place during the Vietnam War it is a collection of war stories that he remembers while O' Brien was in the war. This fiction novel came to life with the detailed and emotional stories by O' Brien. …

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…of what O' Brien was feeling. I thought war was all about killing and there is no feelings because the soldiers do what they are told. After reading this novel I know that the soldiers are just like people back home who have feelings toward certain events. O' Brien wants people to see what he was afraid to look at. Story truth is his way of facing the past and admitting his role in it.