What Jamie Saw Stephene Drouillard

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Essay Database > Literature
"When Jamie saw him throw the baby, saw Van throw the little baby, saw Van throw his little sister Nin, then they moved." What Jamie Saw is a 1996 Newbery Honor Book written by Carolyn Coman. What Jamie Saw is a heart-wrenching story of a boy's struggle with abuse and depression. Set in New Hampshire, it follows a poor woman and her two children as they fight to start a new life after escaping an abusive …

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…believe this story is suitable for all ages. Although, I can not see younger readers truly understanding the meaning behind this book. I can understand why this book was honored with a Newbery honor. It is a heartfelt and candid account of abuse told from a child's perspective. The New York Times Book Review said it best: " The chillingly rhythmic opening scene left me breathless and hooked....it comes laced with spiritual and literal magic."