What Is Shirley Jackson, in her short story "The Lottery," suggesting about human societies and their traditions?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
In Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," she presents to us a tragic tradition that's held every year in a village. A lottery is typically thought of as a happy event and we often relate winning a lottery with good fortune and happiness. Yet, in the short story, the winner of the annual lottery will be stoned to death by all villagers and along with his/her family members. Tradition is a generalization of many of the …

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…under accustomed condition. In today's society, people still follow some traditions without comprehending the purpose or understanding the history because it has become a habit of them to follow a prescribed ritual. When it comes to tradition, we should question it from all perspective instead of following it blindly. Traditions don't always make sense and sometimes it's worth changing. After all, we are sure to recognize the essential of understanding the ritual to initiate change.