What Impacts did The Potato Famine have on Ireland's society?

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1.0) -Introduction From roughly 1845-1850, a famine hit not only Ireland, but other countries in Europe. This famine spread devastation around the country, and killed over 1 million people, nowadays, it is known as The Potato Famine. In this paper, I will look at Ireland before the famine, and also the cause of the famine. Then, I will be describing the social, economical and political impacts. I will also be looking at emigration regarding North America and …

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…just one crop. When the blight did arrive to Ireland, the results were catastrophic. The fungus attacked most potatoes in Ireland causing more than half of the country's primary crop to die. Many people died from this due to starvation or famine related diseases. Ireland did however, gained its independence, and was free from 700 years of British rule. Even though the effects of the famine were devastating, there was some good that came from it.