What Happened to Freedom? - describing the influences that contributed to Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and how it is a reflection of past societies and a warning future generations.

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What if one day the world turned upside down and individuals were stripped of all their rights, freedoms and possessions and were suddenly enslaved because a group of people believed that they held too much power? What could they do? Nothing. All their rights are freedoms were gone, not to mention all government officials had been assassinated. Where could they go? Nowhere because all border crossings were shut down and personal bank accounts frozen. What …

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…individuals will be preserved for all time. Bibliography Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid's Tale. Toronto : The Canadian Publishers, 1985. Perino, Katherine. "The Handmaid's Tale." Bookrags. 18 December 2002. <http://www.bookrags.com/notes/hmt/> Reader's Group Companion. "The Handmaid's Tale: Reader's Group Companion." Book Group Corner. 18 Dec 2002. <http://www.randomhouse.com/resources/bookgroup/handmaidstale_bgc.html> Snell, Marilyn. "Margaret Atwood." Mother Jones. 2002. 18 Dec 2002. <http://www.mojones.com/mother_jones/JA97/visions_jump.html>