What Factors Made Rapid Industrialisation Possible In England (British Isles) Between 1750 - 1850?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Many changes occurred in Britain during the period of 1750 - 1850. Consequences of these changes led to what has come to be known as the 'Industrial Revolution'. Rapid Industrialisation was the engine room for such a revolution. In 1750 much of Britain's population were located in rural areas and were in the most part employed in agriculture, by 1850 much of this had changed, by now, the majority of Britain's population had re-located to the urban areas and …

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…have been mentioned. The results were, better factory machinery that produced goods far quicker, also new, better and quicker means of transport both within Britain and between countries. These qualities along with the improved work force and improved produce made other countries interested in Britain and want to become associated with her. It was this and the factors that have been mentioned which sent Britain through rapid industrialisation and towards the ever expanding British Empire.