What Factors Have Led You to Consider Macalester College? Wh

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While I was choosing universities in the United States, Macalester College came across as a natural choice because of its strong commitment to international students. The presence of 300 students from over 90 countries makes Macalester a very attractive option for me. It shows how highly Macalester regards its foreign students and that matches with my diverse background and my desire to continue to live and study in a community which fosters cultural diversity and international understanding. …

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…with people all over the world, the UWC life has remoulded my approach to diverse communities. I would like to bring everything that I have learnt about the world to Macalester and to share it with Mac students on a daily basis. I want to make Macalester students start asking questions they haven't thought about before, seeing from the opposite's perspective and challenging common stereotypes and misconceptions that our society makes about people and cultures.