What Does Equal Mean

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
What Does Equal Mean? "All men are created equal," as affirmed in the Constitution of the United States of America. This is a statement that no America claims to dispute but it has been disputed many times when it comes to the issue of affirmative action. Both sides of the debate have over examined moral and ethical issues concerning affirmative action while forgetting to scrutinize the system that has created the need for them. Affirmative …

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…individuals, especially women and minorities. In the end, a we need to continue a broad-based program of affirmative action ranging from the classroom to the workplace to the housing market to the government. Although I realize this is not a perfect plan and there may always be some legitimate discrimination concerns, affirmative action moves us away from a society that is inherently unfair to some groups and towards reform with equality and 'justice for all'.