What Do You Guys Have on Tap? about beer in general. teacher wanted to know what my preferences are.

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What Do You Guys Have on Tap? <Tab/>When someone mentions the word "beer" most of us picture a few of our favorite kinds. The truth is there are more different kinds of beer than most people would ever imagine. Considering all the different beers there are in our world today, the odds are, there are many you would fall in love with if ever given the chance to try them. …

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…able to do so much more effectively if they have a better understanding of what it takes to produce their favorite drink. Once one knows what makes one beer differ from another, he or she may only then really begin to find their favorite beer. Works Cited Goldammer, Ted. "The Brewers' Handbook." 2002. 3/3/04. http://www.beer-brewing.com/ Jackson, Michael. "Beer Styles." 2002. 3/4/04. http://www.beerhunter.com/beerstyles.html Glunz, Louis. "Beer Basics." 2002. 3/4/04. http://www.glunzbeers.com/basics/