What Contributions have Migrants Made to the Economic, Social and Cultural Development of Australia?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Migrants have made many contributions to the economic, social and cultural development of Australia. From the government projects such as the snowy mountains scheme to the establishment of the publicly paid television channel SBS; migrants have been one of the main reasons as to why our country's economy has increased immensely. Migrants have developed Australia's society by giving it a good image, educating people and being in the media. Also, because of migrants Australia has …

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…they have brought to the country such as food, music, dress and more have truly shaped the Australia everyone knows of today. It can be said that migrants have actually made Australia a better country. What was once known as an intolerant, predominantly Anglo-Celtic nation is now seen as a warm, welcoming, tolerant nation made up of different people from different races. By coming here, migrants have taught Australians the importance of respect towards others.