What Causes Road Rage

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Essay Database > Literature > English
I used to have an old Chevy that refused to die. It was a 1979 Impala. I had to check all of my fluids everyday because everything leaked. It had bad brakes, it smoked, it overheated, the transmission slipped, and the only door that opened was the right rear door. Well, I drove it like that for a while, but when I woke up one day and saw my windshield busted, I knew it was time …

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…unlocked my door. He said to me "we talked to some witnesses at the doughnut shop and everybody said the same thing you said. So we are going to let you go. Plus, we found out that this guy is wanted and he has a warrant for his arrest." The idiot was still screaming at me as I walked past his cell. And I couldn't resist one more hearty laugh as I looked at him.