"West Side Story" Critique.

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Synopsis: Maria is a newly-arrived Puerto Rican girl whose brother heads a gang called The Sharks against the Caucasian gang called The Jets. The rivalry between the gangs is in place from the beginning, but it reaches a fever pitch when Maria falls for Tony, the founder of the Jets, at a local dance. West Side Story is the classic tragedy of Romeo & Juliet set in a modern setting. The setting is the …

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…expressive dialogue. For example, when Maria asks Anita: "What happens when you look at Bernard?" Anita replies: "It's when I don't look that it happens." And in the lyrics of America like when Anita says: "Life is alright in America" and Bernardo answers back with: "If you're all White in America" The message: Doc, the little Jewish candy store owner, expresses the movie's message lucidly: "You kids make this world lousy! When will you stop?"