Were the industrialist leaders of the gilded age captains of their industry or robber barons?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Examination of Industrialist Leaders - Final Draft Soon after the Reconstruction period, an era known as the Gilded Age erupted. During the 1870's - 1890's, America took a drastic leap into industrialization. Immigrants swarmed into the United States with the distinct hope of opportunity. Big business was soon in effect with a newly acquired demand for raw material. Shortly, monopolies emerged. These industrial leaders, whom were ingenious to the game, established their wealth from the …

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…willing to work for almost nothing, it was the money hungry industrial leaders who took full advantage of the situation. Politicians who were also involved willingly participated in this Gilded Age. The government, economy and the individual robber barons or "industrialists" are all to blame for the inexplicable treatment of workers and suffrage of small business. We can just hope for the future that economic development doesn't lead to a survival of the fittest competition.