Were the industrial leaders of the early 20th century robber barrons?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Many revolutions have classified time periods in history, yet none have been as ruthless as the American industrial revolution. The American nation was switching its interests from its agrarian roots to a more modernized attraction to technology and industry. A group of men stepped forth from the masses to lay claim to the many facets of this changing world. They became leaders of their own fields of business, providing the driving force behind economic and …

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…alt out an unbelievably small amount of money to keep their business interests running, they made sure to stop aspiring companies, who might pose a threat to their cornered market. Physical and economical cruelties were rained upon the lesser idealists, forcing them to shut down before they could really start running. From their actions and practices, the leaders of the American industrial revolution in the late 19th century proved that they were indisputable robber barons.