Were Sports Different in the 1920's and 1930's than today?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Many people wonder if sports were different 80 years ago than it is today. Well I have done some research and figured out the answer. With the research I have found I determined that sports have changed a little bit but overall each sport is basically the same. Some of examples of sports that have not changed a lot are hockey, baseball and the Olympics. Hockey's National Hockey League got started in 1920, which is still around …

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…just as many home runs as Roger Marris did with the same shaped bat and there is over 100 years of baseball history and if you look back you will see it is almost the same today. In the Olympics, Gold, Silver, Bronze. Those will always be the 3 medals won. Nothing will change that. So overall sports have not changed much between the years 1920 and 2004 and I believe I have proved that in the above information.