Were Dinosaurs warm-blooded? Evidence supporting the claim that dinosaurs were warmblooded from strongest to weakest...

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1.Dinosaurs had vascularized bones very similar to bird bone structure and unlike ectothermic reptilian bone Horner teamed up with Armand de Ricqles in an effort to investigate bone structure as a means to differentiate among endotherms and ectotherms (Morell 1987: pg11). The two scientists did studies that analyzed differences in bone structure during the growth series of a dinosaur, from embryo to adult. Through comparative anatomical studies of micro-thin sections of bone from dinosaurs, modern birds, …

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…ate soft, swampy vegetation, while Bakker contradictorily suggested that brontosaurs had diets similar to those of giraffes and ostriches based upon new found evidence (Morelly 1897:pg14). From his utilization of the scientific method, his observations about their bones (paws), the fossil record, and geology, Bakker was able to construct and test hypothesis' that have changed our knowledge and understanding of the pre-historic brontosaur. Works Cited Morell, V. 1987. "Announcing the Birth of a Heresy." Discover 6: 26- 50.