Welfare Reform Policy

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Welfare reform policy Welfare is a program that was designed by the government to provide financial assistance from government funds and private organizations to those in hardship and need. These people include: The mentally ill, the neglected, delinquent children, the sick and the handicapped, as well as disadvantaged families. Welfare is a program intended to benefit all segments of society, but especially the less fortunate members who often find it more difficult to provide for …

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…to raise peoples quality of life, and lower the poverty level. With the PRWORA laws an uneducated unskilled person who just cant seem to find a job will get the help they need. With former policies they were just being assisted, and not learning to provide for themselves. With the programs provided by these laws society will be one step closer to bettering themselves, and making the United States a more pleasant place to live.