Welfare Reform

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Pages: 11
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Welfare Reform: A Permanent Solution or a Temporary Band-Aid? Welfare: handouts to the lazy, or a helping hand to those facing hard times? The debate continues, even in the face of sweeping welfare reform, which, for all of its sound and fury, has not helped or changed much. What's wrong with welfare and how can we fix it? This is not a simple question, and there is no simple answer. However, one thing remains eminently …

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…Long-Term Challenges Temper Cheers for Welfare Successes." The Congressional Quarterly Weekly Reporter, October 25, 1997. Lindgren, Amy. "Things to Consider as You Leave Welfare." Knight-Ridder Newspapers, November 11, 1997. Trattner, Walter I. From Poor Law to Welfare State: A History of Social Welfare in America, Fifth Edition, New York: The Free Press, 1994. Winner, Karen. "The Workfare Solution: Worthwhile Work Experience or Cheap Labor Pool?" Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service, November 26, 1997. Zucchino, David. Myth of the Welfare Queen. New York: Scribner, 1997.