Welfare Reform

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Aid to Families with Dependent Children is commonly known as AFDC, the program was in place to help needy families. When enacted in 1935, it was designed to help widows with minor children. The cost was shared between the Federal and State governments. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands had an AFDC plan. The benefits of AFDC were calculated by what is known as a standard of need. Each …

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…the main problem with welfare reform is that is was done in good economic times instead of a recession. The POWRA is a fair law in my eyes. I think that there are two major flaws in the law. First, the lifetime benefits should be made longer and there should be better protection for non-residents of the United States. The United States has changed a lot since 1935 and the welfare system need to be changed.