Welfare Is It Really Too Much??

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Welfare Is It To Much? Millions of Americans are signed up for welfare; the program is designed to aid poor and needy families. Unfortunately, it has now become a way of life for many Americans. Many argue that welfare is destroying our culture and creating a dependent people who have learned to abuse certain privileges that come with living in America, but history has proven that this is true. The people on welfare depend on …

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…welfare sign up desk. These people suck up tax dollars from the honest and hard working citizens, and give the society nothing in return. These people will all be cut off with the new bill. The greedy people, the lazy families, the leeching immigrants-they all signal that we need to change the system. So we begin anew. Starting over with a new plan, and a new attitude, destined to succeed, and not likely to fail.