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Essay Database > Literature > English
Marijuana, also known as "pot," is tolerated by many in our society as a "harmless" yet illicit drug. But it is far from harmless, and threatens the well-being of vast numbers of people. From 1979 to 1993, illegal drug use in this country was decreasing. But since 1993 it has been on the increase, and marijuana use by youngsters 12 to 17 years old is up. Officials in Washington, fearing the trend, are trying to alert parents to this situation. …

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…difficulty, facial flush, and anxiety disorders. When a teen has been on marijuana habitually and then stops, watch for symptoms such as irritability, restlessness, insomnia, excessive sweating, persistent runny nose, diarrhea, and hiccups. Observe the teen's behavior for a while. Keep a journal of what you notice. Then check with your local council on alcoholism and drug dependence about how to confront the teen with the data you've gathered. The earlier the intervention the better.