Wedding and Marriage Customs of the Chinese Culture
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Wedding and Marriage Customs of the Chinese Culture
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It would be a horrifying nightmare for a female Chinese-westerner, a Banana (yellow on the outside and white on the inside), to marry under her heritage's historical wedding customs. The traditions are outrageously superstitious, therefore are completely ridiculous. The act of marriage is merely a collaboration of families who now have more economic benefits; the ceremonies are merely celebrations of
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identity of their heritage. As the times change, customs are altered to accommodate these transitions. Some people may not agree with the changes, but others accept them with open arms. Each individual has to make a decision based of their own desecration, because it may have a great effect on the decision they're making, such as decided on whether or not to follow traditional wedding customs. Bibliography
identity of their heritage. As the times change, customs are altered to accommodate these transitions. Some people may not agree with the changes, but others accept them with open arms. Each individual has to make a decision based of their own desecration, because it may have a great effect on the decision they're making, such as decided on whether or not to follow traditional wedding customs. Bibliography