Weapons as Aggression-Eliciting Stimuli

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The rest of the world has always perceived the United States as an extraordinarily violent country. Now, the homefolks are beginning to share that view. Pick up a newspaper, turn on the radio or TV, skim through a magazine and one can see the violence in America seems to pour out in a great, unending stream. The fundamental basis of violence is absolutely clear: the human capacity for aggression. It has been long known among …

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…ago. Times have changed since. Nowadays, even though cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City have firearm restrictions they still rank among the top in the category of high homicide rates. Lepage fails to recognize environmental factors in displaying aggression. Thus, future research should address the above conditions when considering the factors that affects aggression. REFERENCE PAGE Berkowitz, L. & Lepage, A. (1967). Weapons as aggression-eliciting stimuli. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 7, 202-207.