We were to solve a problem in American society with unreasonalbe terms, much like the essay "A Modest Proposal" by Swift. Title: Sanitation and Health Security of the Homeland

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
America is seen throughout the world as the land of opportunity. People who live here expect to be free and secure from fear. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness all require one very important yet unlisted commodity- health. National health-care should not be controlled by the government, but protecting the citizens of this country from other citizens who are potentially fatally contagious is the duty of the government. Carriers of currently incurable viruses should …

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…wellness. Removing and caring for people infected with currently incurable contagious illnesses and requiring medical attention for all Americans diagnosed with curable illnesses would drastically reduce, and theoretically eventually eliminate virtually all disease within our borders. This is my proposal, which should come under no objection under the basis of infringing on any right; rather, it shall be praised as insuring the sanitation and health security and happiness that a disease free civilization could bring.