We had to write an essay about what we would say to a war veteran.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Initial Deliberation It seemed like a good idea at the moment seeing that I was sincerely apathetic towards the thought of launching any sort of effort in finishing my essay; mainly concerning me processing thoughts. I simply lay on the sofa (well broken in at this point from our previous encounters) and decided anyone with a higher rank than captain would be unsuitable, seeing as they would steadily drop points from my delicate scale of …

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…triple homicide in Cambodia is looked upon as common, where is the proportion? I mean, doesn't that strike you as ironic." "No, it strikes me as the truth." Memory is of the past -- Aristotle Even if memory is a recollection of past events, that doesn't make any less crucial as the present, yet to ignore it would be stupidity, to remember it would be happenstance, and to forget it would be human.--Charles Chy