We had to do an essay on a book called crossing, which has short stories on crossing boundaries(physical,mental etc.)the book is called "crossing" and is by agnes nieuwhenheizen and tessa duder.

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Essay Database > Literature
The essay statement that I will be discussing in this essay is 'crossing the boundaries is all about freedom.' In this case I definitely agree that this is true as it is portrayed in various short stories in the book "crossing" by Agnes Nieuwenhuizen and Tessa Duder. We also see how freedom plays a main part in the related text 'Mild Swan' in a story about immigration and family life. The story 'shadow strangers' …

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…where the will be no paranoia or fear in them. So with these we see the ways that boundaries connect with freedom. Freedom plays a very important part in our lives as we all want it but we all have certain boundaries or limitation that we have to cross in order to attain sovereignty from things. We have to endure through all hardships and struggles until we have our freedom as shown in the text.