We Are a Nation of Domination - The Black Panthers

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We Are a Nation of Domination Table of Contents We Are a Nation of Domination1 Table of Contents1 Introduction2 History3 Founders3 Purpose4 Tactics5 Demise7 Works Cited8 Sean Schaefer October 6, 2003 CS131 Mon/Wed 3 Word Assignment 3 Introduction The 1960's was a period of turmoil and reaction in America. People were protesting for equal rights, against the war, and many other things. But one thing is for sure, they all wanted to be heard. Many people and groups …

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…equal. " They didn't like how things in America were going and they took action in a different and more literal sense. Their violent actions however take away from the good they accomplished. Their importance and influence on America for African Americans still stands today. Works Cited Work Cited Burns, Stewart. "We Shall be Free". Social Movements of the 1960's. New York, New York. 1995. Westgate, Steven. "The Fight for Equality". Biography of the Black Panthers, Philadelphia 1987.