Wayson Choy's "The Jade Peony".

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Essay Database > Literature
Wayson Choy's "The Jade Peony" can definitely be accepted as a delightful experience for a reader who expected a non-fiction story, but instead read and learned so much of something that indubitably resembles reality and history! Examining the theme of discrimination, the moral settings, as well as the characters of this wonderful book, will hopefully illuminate the hearts of all Canadians and make them realize that the citizens whom they once considered as "alien residents" …

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…much allows us all to get a glimpse of the reality of the immigrant's life and the hatred that was shown towards them. It awakens one from sleep and inspires the reader to stand up to such injustice acts in the future! It can be concluded that Wayson Choy brings a vivid resemblance of fiction to non-fiction. This man has indeed with his piece of literature woven a golden thread into the web of history!